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“Kingdom, 10s, Princesses (Pages) [In Tarot.] Kether below (“As above so below”, the last Sephiroth.) Alter of the Double Cube; Equal Armed Cross, Mystic Circle, Triangle of Art; Heh (final). Citrine, Olive, Russet, Black. Netzach (7), Hod (8), Yesod (9) combine to form blackness.” (Wang.) “Sandalphon – Greek for co-brother. In rabbinic lore…one of the great sarim (angel-princes), master of heavenly song.” Also very tall. According to different sources, rules different heavens. “He is said also, by Cabalists [sic] to be instrumental in bringing about the [difference] of sex in the embryo.” “Angel of power and glory.” (Davidson.)

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