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“Kether, Aces [in Tarot], Crown, Point, Swastika; white. Divine White Brilliance.” (Robert Wang, The Qabalistic Tarot.) “Archangel…who bringeth forth others before the face of God (as in Smith’s Dogma.) Highest angel in Briah, “…sustainer of mankind….king of angels, prince of the divine face/presence, chancellor of Heaven, angel of the covenant, chief of the ministering angels, the lesser YHWH. In the Talmud and Targum, …the link between the human and divine.” In a “curious tale” God borrows 1,000 year loan from Adam; the receipt is kept “in the archives of Metatron, the heavenly scribe.” Possibly: “dark angel who wrestled with Jacob; watchman [Isaiah 21], Logos; Uriel; Sammael; Liberating Angel; the Shekinah (regarded in some sources as…his female aspect); angel who led the children of Israel through the wilderness; In occult…he is…the twin or half-brother of…Sandalphon. Metatron is the tallest angel in Heaven and the greatest [Enoch 3]. The meaning of the name Metatron has never been satisfactorily explained.” (Davidson). VARIOUS other incarnations of Metatron. Kaori-san is most likely going with the occult or Qabalistic version here.

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