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The Koranic (Arabic) version of Gabriel. AKA Jibra’il, in Arabic exorcism rites. Gabriel means “God is my strength.” “…ruling prince of the first heaven…” “2 of Highest ranking angels in Judeo-Christian and Mohammedan lore. …angel of annunciation, resurrection, mercy, vengeance, death, revelation. Presides over Paradise; he is said to sit on the left-hand side of God.” Islam – Spirit of Truth. Jewish – deals death and destruction to the sinful cities of the Plain. (Davidson.) “In rabbinic literature, (he) is the Prince of Justice.” As an Archangel, Gabriel is Yesod (9): Foundation. Astral light, storehouse of images. Perfume and sandals. The Moon. Violet. “The Prince of Change and Alteration.” (Wang.)

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