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The following isnt vital, but it is somewhat interesting:
Kaori lists the 12 angels of the Zodiac as:
Aries Malahidael
Taurus Asmodel
Gemini Ambiel
Cancer Manuel
Leo Verchiel
Virgo Hamaliel
Libra Zuriel
Scorpio Barchiel
Sagittarius Advachie[l]
Capricorn Hamael
Aquarius Canbiel
Pisces Barchiel
Davidson is comparable, with the following exceptions:
Aquarius Gambiel (Cambiel; Gabriel)
Cancer Muriel
Capricorn Haniel
Libra can also be Uriel
Scorpio Barbiel
Aries also Machidiel
Sagittarius also Adnachiel
Since Kaori-san all ready used Barbiel, Gabriel, and Uriel in the story, she couldnt have them be these (somewhat unimportant) angels as well. Also, Hamael is synonymous with Haniel.