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Book of Hades, Act III. Volume 6: A Cruel Bond

As more of the angel’s history is revealed to Setsuna by Uriel, it turns out Alexiel loved God but He only loved Rosiel, as he loved Abel and not Cain. And Uriel could not compete with God, of course. Setsuna doesn’t kill Uriel, of course. He has Setsuna and Kato ride his dragon Nedhig back to Enra-ô in order to have him “shut down” to exit Hades. As a farewell present, he gives Setsuna Doll’s Sara-replica ring, which contains “a crystal of her [Sara’s] happiness.” As they fly, Setsuna sleeps/goes into a trance and dreams of a “beloved Lailah.” He awakes and they have come upon the Crucible of Souls. If Enra-ô does not allow them to pass through, Kato, using the cross-rod, will break the entrance which is “like a two-way mirror” and release all the souls, creating havoc and facilitating their escape. Kato breaks it and Nedhig, once a wandering ghoul given his current body by Uriel, helps Setsuna fly through the Meidou. Enra-ô is chasing them; Kato sacrifices himself and dies to allow Nedhig and Setsuna to escape.

Heaven – Dobiel and his agents are hunting Rosiel. They come upon Katan (who kind of looks like an Ent at this point) and Teiaiel. The agents shoot her, but Katan destroys her killers. As she lay dying she acknowledges she knew he would not “leave Rosiel.” For Katan, staying in Heaven is more than that: He wants to ask God if they (himself and Rosiel) are loved. Dobiel shoots Rosiel with a weapon of biological warfare given to him from Sevy; it will essentially mummify him. If he tries to remove the dart, it will explode and kill him instantly. The bacteria that are released ends up killing Dobiel’s own cronies, not Rosiel. He has used time-magic to corrode the dart. No one except Adam Kadamon “or only those who have [his] blood running in their veins” can escape this type of magic. Dobiel moves to shoot Rosiel but is protected by a now-angelic form Katan. He did choose the “negative” side of himself to protect Rosiel, who he still loves. The bacteria are killing Dobiel through this; he is desperate to live and not be tortured for his failure by Sevy or for fun by Rosiel, so he makes a deal with Rosiel and accepts his blood. He does not die but become monstrous like Katan, and Rosiel himself. Rosiel is obsessed with his physical beauty, but it is an illusion. Rosiel says to Dobiel, “How does it feel to be reborn?” Katan goes off alone to bury Tiara.

In other part of Heaven, Raziel gives Zaphikel a bunch of flowers from Sevothtarte. Sevy says, “Is this a warning…not to interfere?” Zaphikel is to attend the conference that afternoon, so Raziel has to hunt him down. In his office, he discovers a loose book on the shelf. He says, “This isn’t written in Enochian. If it was…[Zaphikel] could read it just by touching it. [But] he’s blind, so what’s he doing…?” He pushes the book onto the shelf and a secret room opens, where Zaphikel is standing over an energy ball holding Sara’s soul. She is saying over and over, “Where are you, Setsuna?”

The council starts, which Dobiel attends in an angelic form, but Metatron recognizes he is Rosiel’s puppet and runs in fear to Sevy. Dobiel announces, “Starting today, Cherubim Number 3 Katan…[has] been officially reassigned to aide…Lord Rosiel.” Sevy’s thinks in anger and shock, “That cursed monster!!”

Gehenna – Setsuna’s body has been placed by Alexiel’s, which is still frozen in the angel crystal. It is the morning of the seventh day. Princess Kurai is fretting. Boyz is angry and jealous of this, as his crush has developed into true love. He says to himself, “If only he weren’t around!” He removes the Nanatsusaya from Setsuna’s body, “killing” him (completing his bodily death.) It is shown, though, that it was kind of an accident…Boyz was standing over Setsuna, clearly upset. Kira pulled him away, yelling at him, and tossed him aside. He was trying to keep himself from falling and caught onto the sword, removing it as he landed. Apparently, Kurai had no idea Boyz liked her. A new character crashes into Banmaden, playing the violin, and counting in German. It is “A lord of darkness, a great demon class…straight from Sheol, the lowest level of Hades, …come….directly by order of my king Lucifer the demon Lord. I am merely a jester…call me the Mad Hatter.”


Mad Hatter



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