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Book of Heaven-Yetzirah, Act IV. Volume 14: Confession

Yetzirah, Mathey, The Empty Corridor – Zaphikel is momentarily sane. He confesses this was his plan, for Raziel to aid Setsuna in NOT saving him. He asks Raziel to stab him through the heart once his sanity lapses again. He says he has done all this not for Heaven, but to see Adam Kadamon and demand why he was left alive after his trial. Anael was pregnant. He had managed to remove the fetus and put it in an artificial womb but it still died. “Dragging this empty heart and body, insane with desperation, I have come this far! Why did you not just let me die that day…Adam Kadamon?!” Suddenly Kadamon appears and says the child did not die. Zaphikel regains his sight with that knowledge and sees Raziel’s face (who may be that child?) Zaphikel passes command of the Anima Mundi to Raziel with his last moment of clarity. Raziel does as bidden and kills his now ghoulish body, but with his Sight Raziel sees that he and Anael are reunited in death. Kadamon’s energy is weaker. Setsuna must find him quickly. Riuet and Kato arrive just as the corridor collapses. Raziel will stay in Heaven to lead the Anima Mundi. Meanwhile, Rosiel is plotting to drive Sevy completely insane to seize power himself.

Book of Heaven-Briah, Act I: Chaos on Heaven and Earth opens

Anagura – due to a vision from Jade, Kurai passes out while praying in front of Alexiel’s body. She becomes ill – turns out she has reached puberty and it disrupts her chi flow, causing her visions and communications with the Shinryu Dragons to temporarily cease.

Yetzirah, Rosiel’s chambers – Using what appears to be a small “voodoo” doll, Rosiel gives Sevy a bad dream that says, “That monstrous little child was behind it all. And that’s why he’s…[made] an enemy of me.”

The Council – Rosiel says the only “key” to Etenamenki s himself and Alexiel; they have “carved it into their hearts.” He reveals God is locked away and therefore never spoke to Sevy. Rosiel lays the plans to capture the Savior, kill him, expose all the rebels, and regain Alexiel’s body. Also has other plans...Sevy sends for Lord Michael.

Somewhere in Yetzirah – Turns out Riuet is a girl! She leaves Setsuna’s party because her merkabah is out of fuel. Michael is sent to stop them from returning to Anagura. Michael sees Kira and freaks out, causing confusion in his squad and allowing Setsuna and company to return to Anagura.

Yetzirah, Michael’s chambers – Mika is angry with Raphy because he knew about Kira and didn’t tell him: “The Demon Sword Nanatsusaya houses the soul of Lord Lucifer!” Mika is so angry because Lucifer is his older twin brother, who was always one-upping him. Nurse Barbelo overhears the conversation and asks, “How can [Lucifer] have two bodies?” The Hell body (Foundation) is a shell. The soul has to stay in a body. If Kira dies, “probably the Devil Lord’s true body would also crumble” destroying Hell and the Balance of the universe.

Anagura – Since Kurai has lost her clairvoyance, she is unable to warn everyone that Rosiel has invaded the fortress. He has come to collect Alexiel’s body. He kills a ton of Evils, and Setsuna thinks one of them is Kurai so he becomes enraged. Kira is wounded and held up by Kato. Kira socks him right in the solar plexus, admonishing, “It’s time you stopped pretending to be human.” Floors Kato. Kira runs off and is surprised by a prisoner in a cell…It is Noyz and Kurai. Rosiel informs Setsuna of Jibril’s fate. If convicted, her brain will be removed and put under Sevy’s charge, to keep Sevy’s power in place by not replacing the Water Angel. Setsuna replies, “Alexiel deserted you on her own, because you are a monster!” Rosiel attacks Setsuna but Kira, Noyz, and Kurai show up to protect him. Rosiel tries to get Lucifer to use his love for Alexiel to kill Setsuna. Kato appears with the Sword – Kira grabs it and stabs himself, impaling Rosiel, who was behind him. “You’re not Alexiel. You’re Setsuna Mudo. You can go on without me.” Thinks, “You’re the first person who made me forget Alexiel. You’re the only one.” Sakuya Kira dies. Rosiel, of course, regenerates. Setsuna throws Kato, Noyz, and Kurai out of the room and locks the door so he can fight Rosiel alone. Katan tries to pull Rosiel out of the now-crumbling Anagura as he is beating up Setsuna. S: “Kill me. Go ahead. But…even if I die and Alexiel is resurrected, the day will NEVER come when my spirit forgives you! I will never forget this hatred.”

Sheol – The Seven Satans have formed a magic circle…Hell and Assiah twist apart. Some angels discover Setsuna, but he is still full of rage and kills them. He is missing a wing and an eye. An energy ball throws him into Heaven.

Mathey, Yetzirah – Sara is about to be escorted to trial but someone holds a gun to Lil and says, “Please release that girl” to the guards. They “hear a woman singing” – it is the Alexiel locket earring/Nedhig scale that is now just outside the window, still on the ground. Sevy is holding Barbiel hostage to make sure Raphy “shows his loyalty.” He says Jibril must drink a sedative before her trial so no one can find out about Sevy’s meddling. Raphy doesn’t want to give it to her… “Make her [drink it]? Sara Mudo?” (Like, there’s no way he can force Sara to do ANYTHING, let alone drink a sedative.)

Michael’s chambers – Setsuna is in a cage here. He says the Seven Satans “have cut the lynchpins of Heaven and Earth, hurling Hell against Heaven. The top two layers of Hell and the bottom two layers of Heaven have been smashed together. Things could blow up at any moment.” Mika asks Setsuna about Kira. Setsuna says flat-out that he is dead. Mika gets pissed (again) because he wanted to kill Lucifer himself. “Back at the end of the first war of Heaven, I was supposed to beat him!” Flashback: Lucifer was chosen first of the High Angels, second only to Adam Kadamon. Everyone loved and feared him. He could and would kill anyone. No one could reach his heart. Angelic bodies stop growing when astral powers peak. Mika’s power developed too quickly, hence why he’s so short. (“Like under five feet” – Set-chan/Alexiel.) Lady Baru was their nanny (lack of a better word.) “[She’s] always been on my side.” In the war, Lucifer let 13,336,668 angels. Michael volunteered to lead the Powers against him. Mika won the battle – but he doesn’t feel like it. Setsuna: “You’re a coward!” Mika swings his sword at him – Kamael stops him. But Mika orders him killed anyway…as Kamael’s going to shoot him, a female angel stops him. She says (to Setsuna): “Are you my master?” She has 4 arms and is huge.



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